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Hypertension, a silent killer! - Blogs

Hypertension, a silent killer!


Also known as high blood pressure, is a common condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high. It can lead to serious health problems if left untreated, including heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and vision loss. However, lifestyle changes can often help to control and even reverse hypertension.

According to well-published research, Hypertension is acknowledged as the leading preventable cause of premature death worldwide. India has some alarming statistics too. According to a WHO estimate, about 220 million individuals in India suffer from Hypertension. But unfortunately, only 12% of them have this killer disease under control.

But what about the other remaining? Why couldn’t they get this ailment under control?  Insufficient knowledge or poor health management is the primary reason. Do not fret! In this article, you’ll find all the critical insights into hypertension reversal and how to prevent or manage it, including what role Bonatra has to play to counter that stats.


There is a warning in silence, and the same holds with Hypertension(Blood Pressure). High blood pressure, even when severe, may not show symptoms. Monitoring your blood pressure regularly becomes the only way to be sure and safe.  Blood pressure is typically expressed in millimeters of mercury, the standard measurement unit (mm Hg). This measurement, taken from the cuff of an individual’s left arm, reveals how efficiently the heart is pumping blood throughout the body. It is considered normal for a person’s blood pressure to be lower than 120/80 mmHg (BP).


Below mentioned are the numerous factors that lead you to have high BP. 

  • Obesity: You are more at risk if you are overweight or obese. And, if you already have high BP, then obesity worsens your condition.  A study reveals that obesity accounts for 65-78% of cases of Hypertension. Obese individuals have high amounts of fats that put extra pressure on their visceral organs. This condition makes it difficult for the blood to move with normal pressure and leads to persistent high BP. Also, a lack of physical activity or exercise leads you to gain more weight. The more your weight is, the more likely you will have high BP.
  • Consuming too much salt: Taking too much salt in the diet contributes to Hypertension. Salt causes the kidneys to retain fluids. Overeating can raise blood pressure because it causes more fluid to circulate in the body, putting more pressure on the walls of the blood vessels. This way, they also harm the kidneys.
  • Age: High blood pressure is also a common health problem among older adults. The vascular system, your body’s network of blood vessels, evolves as you age. For example, the arterial walls become stiffer, which raises blood pressure. So you may still be at risk even if you are in good health.
  • Consuming too much alcohol: Drinking alcoholic beverages might affect the muscles in your blood vessels. That could cause them to contract and become thinner. Your heart must work harder to circulate blood when your blood vessels narrow. Unfortunately, this raises your blood pressure. The risk of developing hypertension increases in proportion to one’s alcohol use. You are in danger if you frequently drink, especially if you are over 35. Even one drink every day can raise the threat.
  • Consuming too much caffeine: Anything in excess is unhealthy for you. Similar is the case with caffeine. Most people’s blood pressure goes up 30 minutes to an hour after drinking something that has caffeine. However, this change in blood pressure is temporary and usually goes back to normal after 3–4 hours. BP increases because your adrenal glands release adrenaline when you drink caffeine, raising your blood pressure.Adrenaline makes your heart beat faster and narrows your blood vessels, which causes your blood pressure to go up.
  • Smoking: Smoking also causes a temporary surge in BP. When you smoke, you increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis. It is a condition in which fat builds up on the inside of your artery walls. Due to this, the risk of blood clots increases because the heart has to compensate by pumping harder, and heart attack and stroke may occur. 
  • Lack of proper sleep: Your blood pressure can rise if you don’t get enough shut-eye. Sleep assists the body in controlling hormones that are necessary for the management of stress and metabolism. Hormonal fluctuations may develop over time if sleep deprivation persists. High BP and other cardiovascular risk factors, including heart attack, have been linked to changes in hormone levels.
  • High cholesterol: A cholesterol level that’s too high has been related to Hypertension. Cholesterol is essential, but only in the right amount. Excessive cholesterol starts to build up in your arteries. They form plaque that makes it difficult for the heart to flow blood, resulting in high BP. 
  • Insulin Resistance: There is a strong link between insulin resistance and hypertension. People with insulin resistance are more likely to develop hypertension, and people with hypertension are more likely to have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance may contribute to hypertension by increasing inflammation and constricting the blood vessels.


If high BP is left untreated, results could be deadly and lead to many complications, such as:

  • Heart disease: High blood pressure can damage the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack, heart failure, and coronary artery disease.
  • Stroke: High blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke, which is a leading cause of death and disability.
  • Kidney disease: High blood pressure can damage the kidneys, leading to kidney failure or kidney disease.
  • Vision loss: High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to vision loss or blindness.
  • Cognitive decline: High blood pressure has been linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk of developing conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  •  Sexual dysfunction: High blood pressure can affect sexual function in men and women, leading to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction and difficulties with arousal and orgasm in women.

All these causes have in common is damage to blood vessels, which can lead to aneurysms and the vessel walls’ bulging. 

Steps to be taken for Hypertension Reversal?

Following a guided lifestyle reverses the condition and returns the BP to normal range.  Adopting a healthier lifestyle and finding natural ways to control blood pressure may delay or even eliminate the need for medication.

  • Healthy weight: To control your BP, you must control your weight. Managing weight as per body mass index (BMI) recommendations is of utmost importance. Increasing physical activity or exercise helps in this regard. 
  • Eat a healthy diet: Keep a close eye on your diet. Consuming unhealthy foods can have adverse effects, but healthy food choices can improve your health. 
  • Adopt a diet low in salt (sodium) and saturated fat while increasing potassium, fibre, and protein intake. 
  • Prevent smoking: The word here is simple: Quit smoking if you want to live longer and free from the crutches of Hypertension.
  • Get adequate sleep: Getting sufficient sleep is essential to maintaining good overall health. It also plays a role in preserving the health of your circulatory system. In addition, by getting enough sleep, you can achieve hypertension reversal. 
  • Reduce stress: Too much stress alters your normal levels of hormones. These hormones start their adverse effects not only on your BP but also on other body processes. Keep a positive attitude, know your cause of stress and then take a break from that stressful situation. It not only helps to manage but also helps you to prevent high BP. 
  • Check your BP levels regularly: Keep checking your BP at home with a BP device sphygmomanometer to see if the levels are under control. And, if the levels are high, keep managing it in the ways mentioned above until hypertension reversal is achieved. 

Has it been challenging for you to handle this condition on your own? Uncertain about what to do and when to act? Bonatra is here to offer its services to help you deal with the growing number of high blood pressure (BP) sufferers in India.

How does Bonatra’s program work? 

Bonatra combines the power of technology with medical & data science. Bonatra uses IoMT devices, including CGM to analyze and understand one’s body and then prescribes the right treatment plan, including supplementation, diet, fitness, and stress relief plans. The AI-based app generates actionable insights which can be used to course correct the journey and achieve the reversal goal faster. 

Bonatra’s programs are led by a doctor, implemented with the app’s help, and supported by a health coach. Bonatra’s patrons enjoy the company of a very supportive community. 

Where can I find more information?

Talk to Bonatra’s medical doctors, dietitians, and nutritionist, who understands your health issues. Bonatra can also tell you about any specialist services that can help with specific problems, such as diabetes, fatty liver, thyroid, PCOD, Hypertension, weight management or improving fitness

Visit Bonatra or call +91 8095023777

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